MELODY BROOKE INTERVIEW [video_player type=”embed” style=”1″ dimensions=”560×315″ width=”560″ height=”315″ align=”center” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”20″ ipad_color=”black”][/video_player] I’m so excited about today’s show. Our guest, Melody Brooke, author of “Oh Wow, This Changes Everything” is a professional marriage and family counselor who has over 30 years of relationship…
With everything going on right now we are in a state of chaos and upheaval we have never witnessed before. It’s difficult when we don’t know what to expect next. We definitely have had a lot of unwanted stress thrown upon us,…
I’m sorry I have been MIA for the past several weeks. I was finishing up the last touches of the book and I’m thrilled to say, it’s finally done!!! Woot, woot, where’s the champagne??? Since this pandemic has struck, I keep thinking about what’s around…
We are what we eat, that’s what they say right? But, do you believe it? One of the things I found that helped keep me calm and in a better mood is to get moving more and eat better. We need to find ways to…
We always talk about the importance of setting goals and the importance of writing them down and having them on our to-do lists, but, just as important, do you acknowledge them when you reach the goal? A few years ago, I learned the importance of…
We all go through this craziness with the new year here. We try to figure out what we want to do in the new year. But, realistically we can only do so much right? Do you know what you would like to achieve for…
Are you a happy? Do people who know you say “you’re always smiling” what’s up with that? Or, “how do you stay so happy?”. I learned when I was around 22 that happiness is not something we’re born with, but, something that we cultivate in…
Although April is long gone (April is Sexual Assault Awareness month), I felt this should be brought back for any month. Sexual violence prevention requires many voices and roles. Prevention is possible and I wondered, how many of us know exactly what we should do…
Today is #NationalNewYorkDay and well, being a native New Yorker, I just had to write a little homage to say what a great place it is to grow up. One of my favorite NY Style sandwiches is the Bagel and Lox which I have a…
As we all know, and can’t seem to hide our heads in the sand from it, it’s THAT time of year again… Time to make our new year resolutions, be good to ourselves this year, but wait, oh yes, we can’t forget the infamous resolution…